
By American Heart Association News

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极端气温加上高水平的空气污染大大增加了老年人患致命性心脏病的风险, new research from China suggests.

这项研究发表在本周的《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》上 Circulation, 研究发现,在气温极高和细颗粒物污染严重的日子里,死于心脏病的风险可能会增加一倍. 研究结果显示,极度寒冷也可能增加致命的心脏病发作风险.

"Extreme temperature events are becoming more frequent, longer and more intense, and their adverse health effects have drawn growing concern," the study's senior author, Dr. Yuewei Liu, said in a news release. 刘是广州中山大学公共卫生学院流行病学副教授.

空气中的细颗粒物可能与极端温度“协同作用”,对心血管健康产生不利影响, Liu said. “我们的研究结果提供了证据,证明减少暴露在极端温度和细颗粒物污染中可能有助于防止心脏病发作导致的过早死亡, especially for women and older adults."

细颗粒物污染来自燃料燃烧,包括汽车尾气, factory emissions and wildfire smoke. Particles less than 2.5 microns can be easily inhaled deep into the lungs, 哪里会刺激肺部和心脏周围的血管. 先前的研究表明,暴露在细颗粒物污染中与心脏病有关, stroke and other health issues.

The researchers analyzed data for 202,678 heart attack deaths from 2015 to 2020 in Jiangsu province, 中国东部沿海地区,气温和细颗粒物水平变化很大. The people who died were nearly 78 years old on average.

细颗粒物污染水平在每次死亡当天和前一天进行测量. 任何一天的平均水平超过37,都被认为是高颗粒物水平.5 micrograms per cubic meter.

Extreme temperatures were measured using the daily heat index, which reflects the combined impact of heat and humidity. A heat wave was defined as temperatures at or above 82.6 degrees Fahrenheit for two or more days. 将发生心脏病发作死亡的天数与定义为同一月内同一周的同一天的对照天数进行比较. That is, if a heart attack occurred on a Wednesday, 同月每隔一周的星期三将被视为控制日.

Compared to control days, 研究人员发现,在细颗粒物污染超过37的四天热浪中,致命心脏病发作的风险高出一倍.5 micrograms per cubic meter. 在持续两天的热浪中,气温从82度上升到18%.6 to 97.在高温指数达到94的四天热浪中,温度要高出74%.8 to 109.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Extreme cold also affected the risk of having a fatal heart attack. Compared to control days, 在两天的寒潮中,当温度在33℃到33℃之间时,风险要高出4%.3 to 40.5度,在三天的寒流中,温度达到27到37度,高出12%.2 degrees. But unlike with extreme heat, 当极度寒冷和污染暴露在一起时,致命心脏病发作的风险并没有增加.

During heat waves, cold snaps and days with high levels of pollution, 女性患心脏病死亡的风险普遍高于男性, and among adults 80 and older compared to younger adults.

The researchers estimated that up to 2.在这项研究中,8%的致命性心脏病发作可归因于极端温度和细颗粒物污染水平升高的共同作用.

To prevent negative effects on health, 刘建议监测天气预报,当温度达到极端时呆在室内, using fans and air conditioners to cool down, dressing appropriately for the weather, 保持水分,安装百叶窗来降低室内温度.

刘还表示,使用室内空气净化器可以避免高污染带来的额外风险, wearing a mask outdoors, 步行时避开繁忙的高速公路,选择不那么剧烈的户外活动.

"To improve public health, 在向公众发布极端温度警告时,将细颗粒物污染考虑在内是很重要的," Liu said.

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