地中海式饮食可以降低先兆子痫的风险, especially in Black women


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Following a Mediterranean-style diet during pregnancy may lower the risk for preeclampsia, 一种与血压有关的并发症,可能会致命, 新的研究表明.

这项研究周三发表在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志, 发现黑人妇女, 谁比白人同龄人患子痫前期的风险更高, had the biggest gains in risk reduction the more they adhered to this eating pattern compared to their non-Black peers.

“你.S. 产妇死亡率在发达国家中最高吗, 子痫前期也会导致这种情况," Dr. Anum年代. Minhas在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说. Minhas is chief cardiology fellow and a cardio-obstetrics and advanced imaging fellow at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

子痫前期, characterized by severely high blood pressure and liver or kidney damage, is a serious complication that affects 5%-10% of pregnant women worldwide. It can be fatal to mother and child and more than doubles a woman's risk for long-term cardiovascular disease, 包括慢性高血压, 中风, 心脏病和心力衰竭. Women with this condition are more likely to give birth prematurely and their children are at higher risk for developing high blood pressure and heart disease.

“考虑到这些对母亲和孩子健康的危害,明哈斯说, "it is important to identify modifiable factors to prevent the development of preeclampsia, especially among Black women who are at the highest risk of this serious pregnancy complication."

子痫前期和心脏病有几个共同的危险因素, 包括高血压, 糖尿病和肥胖. The Mediterranean-style eating pattern – with its focus on vegetables, 水果, 豆类, 坚果, 橄榄油, whole grains and fish – has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease in adults. The new study looked at whether this eating pattern could lower the risk for preeclampsia for all women, 尤其是那些高危人群.

研究人员分析了8名美国人的健康和饮食数据,507 women enrolled in the Boston Birth Cohort between 1998 and 2016. The women were 25 years old on average and were recruited from Boston Medical Center, 为低收入者提供服务, 资源严重不足的种族和族裔人口. 近一半的女性是黑人, 28% were Hispanic and the remainder were white or of unspecified race. 大约10%的参与者出现了先兆子痫.

整体, women who ate a Mediterranean-style diet during pregnancy had more than 20% lower odds of developing the condition. 当研究人员分析黑人女性的数据时, they found even bigger gains among those who adhered most closely to the Mediterranean diet.

"This is remarkable because there are very few interventions during pregnancy that are found to produce any meaningful benefit,明哈斯说. "And medical treatments during pregnancy must be approached cautiously to ensure the benefits outweigh the potential risks to the mother and the unborn child."

Women who had heart-related risk factors before pregnancy were at much higher risk for preeclampsia, 研究发现. Diabetes and obesity before pregnancy carried twice the risk of preeclampsia, and women with high blood pressure were nine times more likely to develop preeclampsia.

“应该鼓励女性遵循健康的生活方式, 包括营养饮食和定期锻炼, 在人生的各个阶段,明哈斯说. “经常吃健康食品, 包括蔬菜, 水果和豆类, 对怀孕期间的女性特别重要吗. Their health during pregnancy affects their future cardiovascular health and also impacts their baby's health."

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