为什么黑人女性怀孕后存活率较低, and what's being done about it


Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision, Getty Images
(Jose Luis Pelaez Inc . /DigitalVision, Getty Images)

身为黑人,在美国怀孕.S. was already a risky combination, and health experts now worry the pandemic is making things worse.

Before the pandemic, Black women were three times more likely than Hispanic women and 2.死于与怀孕有关的原因的可能性是白人女性的5倍, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 2018. 这些数据表明,每100人,000例活产, 37 Black women died while pregnant or within six weeks of pregnancy compared to 12 Hispanic women and 15 white women.

Although data regarding the pandemic's impact on maternal mortality won't be available for some time, medical experts and health advocates are collecting anecdotes that highlight the intensifying crisis facing Black women.

"We haven't invested in the things that people need that protect them from harm when there isn't a pandemic, 所以当我们得到数据时,我们很有信心, it's going to 显示 that the outcomes actually worsened because we don't have a social safety net,”医生说。. 乔娅·阿黛尔·克雷佩里, 她是妇产科医生,也是全国生育公平合作组织的创始人和主席.

"We haven't made any substantive changes when it comes to listening to patients more, 确保他们的需求得到满足, 获得社区支持——我们知道这些实际上可以挽救生命,她说.

Her organization works to reduce Black infant and maternal deaths through research, 倡导种族平等和出生平等培训.

将近一年, 新冠肺炎疫情使当地医院不堪重负,资源紧张, 血库枯竭, 并将一些面对面的医疗访问转为视频通话. 在大流行早期, some women were left without essential support when their companions were not allowed in birthing rooms because of pandemic restrictions.

但即使在COVID-19危机开始之前,黑人母亲 报道 being dismissed by medical professionals when they expressed concerns during childbirth. 网球巨星塞雷娜·威廉姆斯说 时尚 in 2018 that she could have died after a C-section when she recognized she had a blood clot in her lungs but had trouble persuading hospital staff to take her concerns seriously.

这些种族差异背后的原因是多方面的. 缺乏获得保健的机会和保健质量差是其中的因素. But even college-educated Black women die at higher rates from pregnancy-related causes than white women who didn't finish high school, 美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据 显示.

多年来,美国医学界一直存在着隐性的种族偏见. 玛丽伐木工人, director of Integrated Women's Health at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City. "America has segregated people into neighborhoods where they don't have access to resources such as healthy food, 绿色空间, 工作机会, 良好的住房和医疗保健. 这是复合的压力所造成的 结构性种族主义 也会影响黑人女性的健康."

对于所有背景的母亲来说, 心血管相关疾病是最常见的死亡原因, 根据美国心脏协会的统计数据. Federal data 显示 such causes include cardiomyopathy, stroke and other cardiovascular conditions. 其他与怀孕有关的死亡是由于出血, 感染和高血压疾病,如先兆子痫.

"We're not biologically different; there's no Black gene or Black heart or Black kidneys,克里尔-佩里说, 是黑人妈妈问题联盟顾问委员会的成员吗, a national network of more than two dozen maternal health initiatives and organizations led by Black women. "We've spent generations blaming Black people for their outcomes without really addressing the underlying root causes of racism, 阶级歧视和性别压迫. So, when people ask me what is the cause for Black maternal death, the answer is not race. 这是种族歧视."

联邦政府正在关注这个问题. 去年12月,美国政府宣布.S. 卫生与公众服务部 概述了计划 资助为高危妇女服务的卫生保健提供者, 制定并公开报告孕产妇保健质量措施, 投资于孕产妇保健研究. 此外,疾病预防控制中心去年夏天推出了 听听她的竞选 教育人们有关妊娠并发症的警告信号.

尤其是黑人女性, the Association of Black Cardiologists last June convened a task force of clinicians, 基于信仰的社区领袖, research organizations and the media to pinpoint disparities in care and propose solutions. 该组织发表了一份 意见书 刊登在美国心脏协会杂志《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》上. 就在同一周,三名国会议员 介绍了立法 called the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2021 aimed at reducing ethnic and racial disparities.

"We know that if you have chronic stress and that stress is thrown at you on a constant everyday basis, 你的健康状况会很差,”医生说。. 立场文件的主要作者雷切尔·邦德说.

通过与以信仰为基础的组织和企业合作, 比如美容院, 该工作组希望能够接触到女性,在她们聚集和公开交谈的地方, 说债券, 亚利桑那州尊严健康医疗集团的心脏病专家. The goal is to mitigate some of the mistrust that exists in the Black community toward health care providers and educate women about the risk factors for pregnancy complications and how to advocate for themselves more effectively.

“我们想要强调 “坚强的黑人女性”现象 因为它存在, 这是真实的, 这是我们作为临床医生必须感同身受的事情,她说. “我们必须做更好的筛查工作, 特别是在压力极大的大流行期间. It may be a game changer in terms of helping to reduce these disparities that we're seeing."

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