

It started with pain in the calves when 史蒂夫汉堡, 63, tried to walk or pull a suitcase at the airport. 
The marketing executive was not overly concerned, thinking the pain was perhaps strained from playing too much tennis, 最喜欢的消遣. But pain in both legs that prevented him from sleeping finally prompted Steve to seek medical attention.
An ankle-brachial index test and a peripheral angiogram helped diagnose him with 外周动脉疾病, a disease of the blood vessels outside the heart. PAD causes reduced blood flow to the area of the body with the diseased blood vessel. PAD最常见的症状是灼烧, 疼痛, 麻木, fatigue or discomfort in your leg or hip muscles while walking, and symptoms caused by your legs not getting enough blood.
The artery in Steve’s right leg was completely blocked, so his cardiovascular surgeon suggested a bypass. But Steve was shocked to learn he would likely require another bypass in three to five years. He sought a second opinion and received a markedly different type of treatment.
血管外科医生说, “我无法改善你的生活质量, but I suggest that you start an intensive walking regimen,’”史蒂夫回忆道。, 现年77岁,住在洛杉矶地区. “I didn’t want to go through an invasive surgery that could have complications for a very short-term result.”
So Steve laced up his sneakers and started walking, despite the pain he felt in his legs. Initially, he couldn’t walk more than two blocks before the pain became overwhelming. Fourteen years later, he walks for 45 minutes once or twice a day. He also plays tennis and works out in a gym 30 minutes three times a week. Steve also watches his carbohydrate intake and makes sure to get at least seven hours of sleep a night. These changes have helped improve the blood flow in his legs, eliminated much of the leg pain and given him a new lease on life.

“I’m a very strong proponent of balancing a number of different components to avoid surgery,史蒂夫说。. “这要从戒烟开始, 由医生进行测试和筛选, a walking and some other kind of exercise regimen, 改变饮食结构, medications when prescribed and then monitoring your symptoms. It’s about developing regimens that become good habits.”
估计有8人.5 million Americans live with 外周动脉疾病, the majority of them 65 and older. PAD最常见的症状是灼烧, 疼痛, 麻木, fatigue or discomfort in your leg or hip muscles while walking, caused by your legs not getting the blood they need. 吸烟者,有 糖尿病 and those with a family history of heart disease are more likely to develop PAD.
Unfortunately, Steve checked many of these boxes. He’s a Type 2 diabetic and smoked for 20 years. He also remembers his father having difficulty walking when he was in his late 70s, 尽管他从未被诊断出患有PAD. 但自从他开始每天散步, 经常和他的金毛猎犬在一起, 好友, 在他身边, 良好的睡眠和其他好习惯, Steve has been amazed at the improved circulation in his legs that has spared him from surgery.
“Sometimes I experience pain, and I have to stop,史蒂夫说。. “随着年龄的增长, the distances I can walk have grown shorter, so I stop and start numerous times again until I complete the walk.”
自2008年确诊以来, Steve has become a patient advocate with the 美国心脏协会 and started a 脸谱网群组(链接在新窗口中打开)(链接在新窗口中打开) focusing on non-surgical interventions for 外周动脉疾病. And he’s a board member for Vascular Cures, an organization focused on advocacy and research of PAD.
“I want people to know that being diagnosed with PAD is not a death sentence if you decide you’re going to take steps to control it,史蒂夫说。.

Hear Steve and medical experts in this podcast: Improving PAD Lifestyle Changes in your Patients: Balancing Mind and Body


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