
Grill it braise it broil it cookbook


这道优雅的主菜,当猪肉被切开时,一定会给人留下深刻的印象, bright filling. 它可能看起来很复杂,但准备起来很简单. Sweet sun-dried tomatoes, earthy spinach, 松脆的松子和迷迭香猪肉形成了鲜明的对比.


Servings   4   Serving Size   3 ounces pork and 2 tablespoons sauce

  • 1/2 cup dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes
  • Cooking spray
  • 1磅猪里脊肉,所有看得见的肥肉都去掉,刨成蝴蝶状,压成1英寸厚
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts, dry-roasted
  • 1汤匙切碎的新鲜迷迭香和1汤匙切碎的新鲜迷迭香,分开使用
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8茶匙胡椒粉和1/8茶匙胡椒粉,分开使用
  • 4 cups loosely packed baby spinach



  1. Bring 1 cup water to a boil. Put the tomatoes in a small bowl. Pour in the boiling water. 静置10分钟,或直到变软.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 在有边的烤盘上轻轻喷上烹饪喷雾.
  3. 把西红柿沥干水分,把浸水倒掉. 挤掉多余的水分. Coarsely chop the tomatoes.
  4. 把打开的猪肉放在砧板上. 把西红柿和松子沿纵向撒在一半的猪肉上. 在番茄混合物上撒上1汤匙迷迭香、盐和1/8茶匙胡椒粉. 把菠菜放在上面一层. 把没有馅料的那一半包在另一半上. 用厨房麻绳,每隔2英寸把猪肉绑起来. Transfer the pork to the baking sheet. 在猪肉上轻轻喷上烹饪喷雾. 撒上1汤匙迷迭香和1/8茶匙胡椒粉.
  5. 烤40分钟,或者在即时读取温度计上烤到145华氏度.
  6. 把猪肉移到干净的砧板上. Discard the twine. Let stand for 3 minutes before slicing.

Nutrition Facts

166 Per Serving
24g Per Serving
2g Per Serving

Nutrition Facts

Calories 166
Total Fat 5.0 g
Saturated Fat 1.5 g
Trans Fat 0.0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.5 g
Monounsaturated Fat 2.0 g
Cholesterol 60 mg
Sodium 218 mg
Total Carbohydrate 6 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Sugars 2 g
Protein 24 g

Dietary Exchanges
1 vegetable, 3 lean meat

这个食谱转载自美国心脏协会烧烤,炖,烤. 版权所有©2015美国心脏协会. Photos by Lucy Schaeffer. 由克拉克森波特/出版商出版,企鹅兰登书屋有限责任公司的印记. Available from booksellers everywhere.
这道优雅的主菜,当猪肉被切开时,一定会给人留下深刻的印象, bright filling. 它可能看起来很复杂,但准备起来很简单. Sweet sun-dried tomatoes, earthy spinach, 松脆的松子和迷迭香猪肉形成了鲜明的对比.

Nutrition Facts

166 Per Serving
24g Per Serving
2g Per Serving
Calories 166
Total Fat 5.0 g
Saturated Fat 1.5 g
Trans Fat 0.0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.5 g
Monounsaturated Fat 2.0 g
Cholesterol 60 mg
Sodium 218 mg
Total Carbohydrate 6 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Sugars 2 g
Protein 24 g

Dietary Exchanges
1 vegetable, 3 lean meat


Servings   4   Serving Size   3 ounces pork and 2 tablespoons sauce

  • 1/2 cup dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes
  • Cooking spray
  • 1磅猪里脊肉,所有看得见的肥肉都去掉,刨成蝴蝶状,压成1英寸厚
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts, dry-roasted
  • 1汤匙切碎的新鲜迷迭香和1汤匙切碎的新鲜迷迭香,分开使用
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8茶匙胡椒粉和1/8茶匙胡椒粉,分开使用
  • 4 cups loosely packed baby spinach



  1. Bring 1 cup water to a boil. Put the tomatoes in a small bowl. Pour in the boiling water. 静置10分钟,或直到变软.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 在有边的烤盘上轻轻喷上烹饪喷雾.
  3. 把西红柿沥干水分,把浸水倒掉. 挤掉多余的水分. Coarsely chop the tomatoes.
  4. 把打开的猪肉放在砧板上. 把西红柿和松子沿纵向撒在一半的猪肉上. 在番茄混合物上撒上1汤匙迷迭香、盐和1/8茶匙胡椒粉. 把菠菜放在上面一层. 把没有馅料的那一半包在另一半上. 用厨房麻绳,每隔2英寸把猪肉绑起来. Transfer the pork to the baking sheet. 在猪肉上轻轻喷上烹饪喷雾. 撒上1汤匙迷迭香和1/8茶匙胡椒粉.
  5. 烤40分钟,或者在即时读取温度计上烤到145华氏度.
  6. 把猪肉移到干净的砧板上. Discard the twine. Let stand for 3 minutes before slicing.
Grill It, Braise It, Broil It Cookbook

Grill It, Braise It, Broil It Cookbook

这175种食谱由12种烹饪技巧组成,适合不同的生活方式. 你是否想要一些你可以设定和忘记的东西(在慢炖锅里), cook in just minutes (broil, steam, or grill), 快速烹饪,不用加热厨房(微波炉), 或者用传统的方式烹饪,让你的房子充满美味的香味(烘焙), roasting, braising, stewing), 这本食谱将是你的参考资料.

Sample Recipes:

Warm Cinnamon-Raisin Apples

Mediterranean Tuna Kebabs

Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Spinach



这个食谱转载自美国心脏协会烧烤,炖,烤. 版权所有©2015美国心脏协会. Photos by Lucy Schaeffer. 由克拉克森波特/出版商出版,企鹅兰登书屋有限责任公司的印记. Available from booksellers everywhere.

美国心脏协会的食谱由营养专家开发或审查,并满足特定的, 以科学为基础的健康饮食指南和配方标准.

有些食谱可能适合糖尿病患者, high blood pressure, 心脏病和/或其他疾病或寻求低钠饮食, low-fat, low-sugar, 低胆固醇或低卡路里的食谱. 然而,本网站及其服务不构成医疗建议、诊断或治疗. 一定要向你的医疗保健提供者咨询诊断和治疗, including your specific dietary needs. 如果你有或怀疑你有医疗问题或状况, 请与合格的医疗保健提供者联系.

版权由美国协会公司拥有或持有. (AHA), 但经Heart-Check配方认证项目认证或另有说明的配方除外. All rights are reserved. Permission is granted, 免费,无需进一步要求, 链接或分享aha自己的食谱,前提是没有文本, ingredients or directions are altered; no substitutions are made; and proper attribution is made to the American Heart Association. See full terms of use.