Cinnamon Sweet Tortilla Chips with Fruit Salsa


Cinnamon Sweet Tortilla Chips with Fruit Salsa

The tropical flavor of the fruit salsa teams well with the crunchy texture of 肉桂 sweetened tortilla chips.


  8   服务规模   6 tortilla chips 和 ¼ cup salsa

  • 烹饪喷雾
  • 两茶匙橄榄油
  • 12 drops 肉桂-flavored 液体甜菊糖甜味剂
  • ½ packet 甜叶菊甜味剂 or ¼ teaspoon 甜叶菊甜味剂
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground 肉桂
  • 1/8茶匙盐
  • 8 6-inch corn tortillas, each cut into 6 wedges
  • 1 medium orange, peeled 和 diced
  • ½ cup diced 芒果 (from ½ of a medium 芒果)
  • 1 medium 猕猴桃, peeled 和 diced
  • ¼ cup 菠萝 tidbits, canned in their own juice, drained
  • ¼ cup diced 草莓 (about 2 large)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped 香菜
  • 1茶匙磨碎的酸橙皮
  • 2 squeezes tropical punch-flavored stevia water enhancer


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. 将烤箱预热到华氏400度. Lightly spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray.
  2. 在一个小碗里, 把油搅匀, 液体甜菊糖甜味剂, 甜叶菊甜味剂, 肉桂, 和盐. 
  3. Place half of the tortilla wedges in a medium bowl. Drizzle half of the oil mixture over the wedges. Repeat with the remaining tortilla wedges 和 oil mixture. Using a spoon or clean h和s, toss the wedges with the oil mixture. 
  4. Arrange the wedges in a single layer on the baking sheet. 烤5到7分钟. 
  5. Remove the baking sheet from the oven. 把楔子翻过来. 烤5到7分钟, or until the wedges are golden brown 和 crisp. 冷却10分钟. 
  6. 与此同时, 在一个小碗里, 把橙子搅在一起, 芒果, 猕猴桃, 菠萝, 草莓, 香菜, 柠檬皮, 甜叶菊增水剂. Serve with the tortilla chips.

烹饪小技巧: Store the salsa covered in the refrigerator for up to four days. Store the chips in an airtight container for up to four days.


Cinnamon Sweet Tortilla Chips with Fruit Salsa


卡路里 66
总脂肪 1.5 g
饱和脂肪 0.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
不饱和脂肪 1.0 g
胆固醇 0 mg
60 mg
总碳水化合物 13 g
膳食纤维 2 g
5 g
添加糖 0 g
蛋白质 1 g


The tropical flavor of the fruit salsa teams well with the crunchy texture of 肉桂 sweetened tortilla chips.


Cinnamon Sweet Tortilla Chips with Fruit Salsa
卡路里 66
总脂肪 1.5 g
饱和脂肪 0.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
不饱和脂肪 1.0 g
胆固醇 0 mg
60 mg
总碳水化合物 13 g
膳食纤维 2 g
5 g
添加糖 0 g
蛋白质 1 g



  8   服务规模   6 tortilla chips 和 ¼ cup salsa

  • 烹饪喷雾
  • 两茶匙橄榄油
  • 12 drops 肉桂-flavored 液体甜菊糖甜味剂
  • ½ packet 甜叶菊甜味剂 or ¼ teaspoon 甜叶菊甜味剂
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground 肉桂
  • 1/8茶匙盐
  • 8 6-inch corn tortillas, each cut into 6 wedges
  • 1 medium orange, peeled 和 diced
  • ½ cup diced 芒果 (from ½ of a medium 芒果)
  • 1 medium 猕猴桃, peeled 和 diced
  • ¼ cup 菠萝 tidbits, canned in their own juice, drained
  • ¼ cup diced 草莓 (about 2 large)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped 香菜
  • 1茶匙磨碎的酸橙皮
  • 2 squeezes tropical punch-flavored stevia water enhancer


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. 将烤箱预热到华氏400度. Lightly spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray.
  2. 在一个小碗里, 把油搅匀, 液体甜菊糖甜味剂, 甜叶菊甜味剂, 肉桂, 和盐. 
  3. Place half of the tortilla wedges in a medium bowl. Drizzle half of the oil mixture over the wedges. Repeat with the remaining tortilla wedges 和 oil mixture. Using a spoon or clean h和s, toss the wedges with the oil mixture. 
  4. Arrange the wedges in a single layer on the baking sheet. 烤5到7分钟. 
  5. Remove the baking sheet from the oven. 把楔子翻过来. 烤5到7分钟, or until the wedges are golden brown 和 crisp. 冷却10分钟. 
  6. 与此同时, 在一个小碗里, 把橙子搅在一起, 芒果, 猕猴桃, 菠萝, 草莓, 香菜, 柠檬皮, 甜叶菊增水剂. Serve with the tortilla chips.

烹饪小技巧: Store the salsa covered in the refrigerator for up to four days. Store the chips in an airtight container for up to four days.


Children younger than 2 years old should not consume foods or beverages with low 和 no-calorie sweeteners. Children ages 5 和 younger should not consume drinks with added sugar or low 和 no-calorie sweeteners. The healthiest drinks for kids are water 和 milk.

美国心脏协会 recipes are developed or reviewed by nutrition experts 和 meet specific, science-based dietary guidelines 和 recipe criteria for a healthy dietary pattern.

Some recipes may be suitable for people who are managing diabetes, 高血压, heart disease 和/or other conditions or seeking low-sodium, 低脂, 低糖, low-cholesterol or low-calories recipes. However, this site 和 its services do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis 和 treatment, including your specific dietary needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care provider.

Copyright is owned or held by the American Association, Inc. (哈哈), except for recipes certified by the Heart-Check recipe certification program or otherwise indicated. 版权所有. 授予权限, at no cost 和 without need for further request, to link to or share AHA-own recipes provided that no text, ingredients or directions are altered; no substitutions are made; 和 proper attribution is made to the 美国心脏协会. 参见完整的使用条款.