African Peanut 和 Greens Stew

cutting board with aha logo 和 vegetables

African Peanut 和 Greens Stew

在非洲, peanuts are often called groundnuts because they grow underground with the roots of the plant. Peanuts 和 peanut butter are popular ingredients in African cooking. Try this savory stew, which includes a healthy helping of greens.


  4   服务规模   1杯半

  • 两茶匙橄榄油
  • 1个小洋葱(切碎)
  • 2 medium garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 medium fresh jalapeño (seeded, ribs discarded, chopped)
  • 3 1/2 cups fat-free, low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1/4 cup creamy, low-sodium peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon light brown sugar
  • 1/2茶匙姜粉
  • 1/4茶匙盐
  • 1/4茶匙黑胡椒
  • 1 pound red potatoes (about 4 medium), cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 12 ounces frozen puréed winter squash, 比如胡桃或橡子, 解冻, or 12 ounces canned solid-pack pumpkin (not pie filling)
  • 10 ounces frozen chopped collard greens, 解冻 和 squeezed dry


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat, swirling to coat the bottom. Cook the onion 和 garlic for 2 to 3 minutes, or until tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. 加入jalapeño搅拌. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the jalapeño is tender-crisp, stirring occasionally.
  2. Stir in the broth, peanut butter, brown sugar, ginger, salt, 和 pepper. Increase the heat to medium high 和 bring to a simmer, whisking occasionally to distribute the peanut butter.
  3. 拌入土豆. 小火慢炖, 覆盖, 15分钟, or until the potatoes are tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife or a fork. Stir in the squash 和 collard greens. Increase the heat 和 simmer, un覆盖, for 5 minutes, or until heated through.

烹饪小技巧: For speedy cooked squash, cut a winter squash in half 和 scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Place the squash with the cut side down on a microwaveable plate. Microwave on 100 percent power (high) for 7 minutes per pound, or until tender.


African Peanut 和 Greens Stew


卡路里 277
总脂肪 10.5 g
饱和脂肪 2.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 2.5 g
不饱和脂肪 5.5 g
胆固醇 0 mg
272 mg
总碳水化合物 37 g
膳食纤维 7 g
10 g
蛋白质 9 g

2 starch, 1 vegetable, 1/2 very lean meat, 1 1/2 fat

在非洲, peanuts are often called groundnuts because they grow underground with the roots of the plant. Peanuts 和 peanut butter are popular ingredients in African cooking. Try this savory stew, which includes a healthy helping of greens.


African Peanut 和 Greens Stew
卡路里 277
总脂肪 10.5 g
饱和脂肪 2.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 2.5 g
不饱和脂肪 5.5 g
胆固醇 0 mg
272 mg
总碳水化合物 37 g
膳食纤维 7 g
10 g
蛋白质 9 g

2 starch, 1 vegetable, 1/2 very lean meat, 1 1/2 fat


  4   服务规模   1杯半

  • 两茶匙橄榄油
  • 1个小洋葱(切碎)
  • 2 medium garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 medium fresh jalapeño (seeded, ribs discarded, chopped)
  • 3 1/2 cups fat-free, low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1/4 cup creamy, low-sodium peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon light brown sugar
  • 1/2茶匙姜粉
  • 1/4茶匙盐
  • 1/4茶匙黑胡椒
  • 1 pound red potatoes (about 4 medium), cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 12 ounces frozen puréed winter squash, 比如胡桃或橡子, 解冻, or 12 ounces canned solid-pack pumpkin (not pie filling)
  • 10 ounces frozen chopped collard greens, 解冻 和 squeezed dry


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat, swirling to coat the bottom. Cook the onion 和 garlic for 2 to 3 minutes, or until tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. 加入jalapeño搅拌. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the jalapeño is tender-crisp, stirring occasionally.
  2. Stir in the broth, peanut butter, brown sugar, ginger, salt, 和 pepper. Increase the heat to medium high 和 bring to a simmer, whisking occasionally to distribute the peanut butter.
  3. 拌入土豆. 小火慢炖, 覆盖, 15分钟, or until the potatoes are tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife or a fork. Stir in the squash 和 collard greens. Increase the heat 和 simmer, un覆盖, for 5 minutes, or until heated through.

烹饪小技巧: For speedy cooked squash, cut a winter squash in half 和 scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Place the squash with the cut side down on a microwaveable plate. Microwave on 100 percent power (high) for 7 minutes per pound, or until tender.


美国心脏协会 recipes are developed or reviewed by nutrition experts 和 meet specific, science-based dietary guidelines 和 recipe criteria for a healthy dietary pattern.

Some recipes may be suitable for people who are managing diabetes, 高血压, heart disease 和/or other conditions or seeking low-sodium, 低脂, 低糖, low-cholesterol or low-calories recipes. However, this site 和 its services do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis 和 treatment, including your specific dietary needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care provider.

Copyright is owned or held by the American Association, Inc. (哈哈), except for recipes certified by the Heart-Check recipe certification program or otherwise indicated. 版权所有. 授予权限, at no cost 和 without need for further request, to link to or share AHA-own recipes provided that no text, ingredients or directions are altered; no substitutions are made; 和 proper attribution is made to the 美国心脏协会. 参见完整的使用条款.