Mammograms show promise as tool for predicting heart disease and stroke in women

By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

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Routine mammograms are used to check women for breast cancer. 但新的研究表明,它们可以做得更多:这些图像可以帮助预测女性患主要心血管疾病的风险, such as heart attacks and 中风, 当它们显示女性乳房动脉中存在钙积聚时.

研究结果表明,在一些女性中,乳房动脉钙化的存在甚至可能比目前使用的风险工具更能预测心血管问题, providing a much-needed opportunity for prevention. 的 研究 will be presented Nov. 在费城举行的美国心脏协会科学会议上.

“我们知道我们需要找到更好的方法来预测女性心脏病的发生," said lead researcher Dr. 是以阿里, 他是汉诺威达特茅斯学院盖泽尔医学院的心脏病学研究员, 新汉普郡. “我们说,这些患者可以通过每一到两年进行一次的常规乳房x光检查来进行风险分层. 这是一种非常简单的方法,普通心脏病专家可以发现女性是否有风险."

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., with stroke at No. 5. But while cardiovascular mortality rates have been declining, 这种下降在男性中更为明显,而在55岁以下的女性中则停滞不前.

"This is a major area we are failing at as cardiologists,阿里说. "We're really trying to address that gap with this research."

她的研究建立在越来越多的证据之上,这些证据表明乳房x光检查可能是预测心血管风险的有用工具,因为它们显示了乳房动脉钙化的存在, 或BAC. Prior research has established BAC as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

During a decade of follow-up, 研究人员研究了血液酒精浓度与主要心血管线上娱乐电子游戏网站之间的关系, which included heart attacks, 中风, putting in stents to keep arteries open, and death from any cause. 的 研究 included 1,216名年龄在40到75岁之间的女性在达特茅斯希区柯克医疗中心接受了乳房x光检查. 的y had no coronary artery disease when the 研究 began.

研究人员发现,每5名女性中就有1人通过乳房x光检查检测到BAC, 与乳房x光检查未显示动脉钙化的女性相比,患有BAC的女性在10年内发生重大心血管线上娱乐电子游戏网站的人数是前者的两倍. Among those with BAC, 21% later experienced cardiovascular events, compared to 11% of the women without BAC. Women with BAC were older, more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes, 更有可能服用降胆固醇的他汀类药物和降压药.

阿里和她的同事们还将研究结果与使用汇总队列方程预测的心血管风险进行了比较, 目前预测男性和女性心血管风险的标准是什么. 他们发现,风险方程低估了女性未来的心血管线上娱乐电子游戏网站,而BAC的存在是一个更好的预测因素. 这在风险方程得分处于低风险的女性中尤其如此:18%的BAC患者有心血管线上娱乐电子游戏网站, compared to 7% without calcification in their breast arteries.


“我们一直在努力寻找最佳方法来预测女性一生中的风险,并优化预防策略,”医生说。. 斯泰西罗森, 她是新海德公园诺斯韦尔健康中心卡茨妇女健康研究所的高级副总裁, 纽约.

"Our usual tools do not work particularly well for women,她说. “这项研究增加了大量文献,表明乳房动脉钙化可能是女性重要且容易获得的风险预测指标。."

罗森说,研究人员仍然需要确定血液酒精浓度是否可以预测不同种族和民族的心血管风险, given that the current 研究 included mostly non-Hispanic white women, 并研究BAC的预测能力如何受到其他心血管危险因素的影响.

这些发现需要在长期跟踪女性的大型试验中得到证实,以便在乳房x光检查中出现BAC时,向女性及其医疗保健专业人员报告BAC的指导方针可以建立起来, 阿里说,.

“放射科医生看到了钙化,但没有报告,因为指南没有要求他们报告,她说. "的y are missing an opportunity to speak with women about reducing other, modifiable cardiovascular risk factors," such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lack of physical activity, 吸烟或肥胖.

"We can't change the calcification of their arteries, but we can aggressively address other risk factors,阿里说.

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