在和儿子进行了一场2对2的篮球比赛后,他倒下了. 他的队友救了他的命.


约翰·霍尔舒赫(左)和乔·格列柯. (图片由约翰Holschuh提供)
约翰·霍尔舒赫(左)和乔·格列柯. (图片由约翰Holschuh提供)

在一个阳光明媚的秋日, Baltimore dads Joe Greco and 约翰Holschuh teamed up to take on their teenage sons in a game of 2-on-2 basketball in the Greco family's driveway.

这些男孩是顽强的敌人. 高中球队的队友, 十几岁的孩子把爸爸逼了一个小时, 让格列柯和霍尔舒赫感到疲惫,需要休息一下.

男孩们进去玩电子游戏了. 格列柯和霍尔舒赫, 谁在大学里打篮球, 徘徊在车库里, 放松一下,聊聊运动.

Twenty minutes into their break, Holschuh looked at Greco and said, "I'm starting to feel … "


Greco caught his friend, keeping him from hitting his head on the concrete floor. Holschuh – who was 49, exercised regularly and seemed to be in good shape – was breathing heavy. 他的眼睛转回了脑袋.

格列柯以为霍尔舒赫癫痫发作了, 所以他清除了所有可能伤害霍尔舒赫的东西. 接着,霍尔舒赫停止了呼吸.

格列柯跑进房子,告诉他的儿子乔伊拨打911. 然后他开始做心肺复苏术,就像他被训练过的那样.

Greco在该国最大的海运码头运营商工作. Every two years, the company provides employees with 心肺复苏 training.

About a minute into Greco delivering chest compressions, Holschuh started breathing. 然后他停了下来. 格列柯重新开始心肺复苏术,霍尔舒赫开始呕吐. 霍尔舒赫开始呼吸,但又停了下来. Greco's son had the 911 operator on the phone, and she coached Greco through 心肺复苏. 他在接下来的10分钟里继续做胸外按压.

A volunteer firefighter who lives in the neighborhood heard about the emergency over the dispatch radio. He came over and helped Greco with chest compressions until the ambulance arrived. 医护人员用除颤器重新启动了霍尔舒赫的心脏.

"We were all standing there holding hands and saying a prayer for John that he could fight through it,格列柯说. “然后他们再次电击他,他听到了心跳."

Greco called Holschuh's wife, Dawn, to tell her what had happened. 他跟着救护车去了急诊室,这样他也可以告诉医生.

那天晚上,唐恩打电话给格列柯,告诉他最新情况. 霍尔舒赫还有脉搏,但他处于药物诱导昏迷状态. 格列柯上床睡觉时不知道他的朋友会发生什么事.




“这是我经历过的最可怕的情况,”他说. "I was bound and determined not to have these two boys experience the passing of a father and a family friend."

霍尔舒赫在医院住了10天. As he recovered, doctors began the search for why his heart stopped.

最终, doctors suspected he'd had a spontaneous coronary artery dissection, 或竹荚鱼, 什么时候心脏血管里出现了撕裂. It's a rare event; rarer still is for it to occur in a man.

Holschuh had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or ICD, placed inside his chest. ICDs are small battery-powered devices that detect and correct irregular heartbeats by delivering electric shocks when needed.

Now, a year later, Holschuh only needs to see his cardiologist annually. 起初,他意识到ICD留下的伤疤. It's also sometimes uncomfortable when he wears a seatbelt or his hiking backpack.


"My doctor said, 'You can run a marathon, you just can't win,'" he said.

That means Holschuh can still play 2-on-2 basketball with Greco and the boys, 但他不能过度劳累.

他说:“我知道我必须循序渐进地恢复健康。. “这是一个有趣的转变."

Joe Greco was recognized at a ceremony for saving 约翰Holschuh's life. 左起:高中篮球教练Seth Goldberg, 约翰Holschuh, 亚历山大Holschuh, 乔伊·格列柯和乔·格列柯. (图片由约翰Holschuh提供)
Joe Greco was recognized at a ceremony for saving 约翰Holschuh's life. 左起:高中篮球教练Seth Goldberg, 约翰Holschuh, 亚历山大Holschuh, 乔伊·格列柯和乔·格列柯. (图片由约翰Holschuh提供)

He's grateful, too, to Greco for his quick thinking in an emergency, for saving his life.

"I'm lucky I was with someone so giving and selfless at the time," Holschuh said.

格列柯说,他很幸运能定期接受心肺复苏术训练. Since that day, Holschuh's wife sought out the 心肺复苏 trainer Greco learned from at work. 这位培训师为她公司的员工提供心肺复苏术培训.

"You think, 'This is good to have, but will I ever need to know how to do 心肺复苏?’”格列柯说. “就我而言,我做到了. You just never know when you'll be able to help somebody and save a life."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.

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