

Heart attack survivor Peter Denton (center) with his father, Greg, and son, Hunter. (图片由Peter Denton提供)
Heart attack survivor Peter Denton (center) with his father, Greg, and son, Hunter. (图片由Peter Denton提供)

下午4:30.m. 去年春天一个星期一的早晨, 彼得·丹顿在黑暗中起床了, 穿好衣服跳上他的小货车. The drive to his work site in Detroit took a little more than an hour.

As a construction foreman working on a new bridge connecting Detroit and Windsor, 安大略, 彼得经常一周打卡六天, 每班工作11个小时.

The Friday before, he woke up with a runny nose, cough and chest pain. 他的妻子克里斯蒂坚持要他去急诊. He was given a COVID-19 test, which was negative, and an electrocardiogram, which was normal. 尽管如此, the doctor told him there might be an underlying problem and said he should go straight to the emergency room if anything came up over the weekend.

一切顺利, 即使彼得上夜班, then spending Sunday clearing out fallen branches and brush around his home in Jackson, 密歇根.

At noon Monday, he started his lunch break, eating a burger in the cab of his truck. 他放下窗户,和站在外面的同事聊天.

突然,彼得感到恶心. 他的视力模糊了. 他觉得自己要晕过去了.

他记得医生的忠告. He also recalled there was a first aid station about a half mile away, on the job site.

“你得带我去看医生,”他告诉他的朋友. 那人跳上彼得的卡车,开始开车.

Halfway there, Peter felt like a knife was stabbing his heart over and over. 他痛得弯下腰来.



Peter waited for pain medicine to kick in and for an ambulance to arrive. 与此同时,克里斯蒂和彼得的父亲,老格雷格·丹顿.他也在同一个工地工作,也收到了通知.

As paramedics were taking Peter to the ambulance, his father rushed to his side. Trying to ease some of the tension, Greg joked, "We don't have time for this. 我们还有很多工作要做,孩子."


彼得·丹顿和他的妻子克里斯蒂, and children, Hunter, David and Gabriela. (摄影:Coley Kennedy)
彼得·丹顿和他的妻子克里斯蒂, and children, Hunter, David and Gabriela. (摄影:Coley Kennedy)

At the hospital, doctors used two stents to open the blockages in his heart. Prompt action not only saved him, but it also put him on the road to a speedy recovery. 他醒了,没有痛苦. 几个小时后,他走在医院的大厅里.






He readily acknowledges his lifestyle paved the way for a heart attack. 45岁时,他身高6英尺1 300多磅. 他被诊断出患有2型糖尿病.

他以前试过改变自己的习惯. The most recent try was a few years earlier, following the diabetes diagnosis. 这种情况只持续到他的药用完. 他没有补药,也不再看医生了.


他立即戒了烟,戒了酒. 他还在努力戒嚼烟.

心脏病发作八个月后,他的体重降到了237磅. 他的目标是200.

He was motivated by his three children, Gabriela Denton, 14; Hunter Denton, 20; and David Phelps, 27. 当然,还有克里斯蒂.

"After the heart attack, she reiterated how much I meant to her and the kids,彼得说. "And this time she decided to jump in with me and eat better and lose weight."

关于之前吃得更健康的尝试, he'd make salads while Kristy would cook dinner for herself and their children. 回顾, she realizes that left him feeling isolated and made it tougher for him to stick with his diet.

现在他们是一个团队. 他们的饮食以蛋白质和蔬菜为主. 他们也不再吃快餐和外出就餐.


彼得·丹顿和他的妻子克里斯蒂. (图片由Peter Denton提供)
彼得·丹顿和他的妻子克里斯蒂. (图片由Peter Denton提供)

She bought Peter a bike trainer so he could ride his bicycle inside during the winter, 他计划全年都骑自行车. He's also walking more on the job site instead of jumping into his truck for short trips.

他的努力似乎起作用了. 除了减肥, his doctor recently told him he no longer needs medication for diabetes.

四分之一的美国人患有肥胖症.S. 建筑工人, according to the Hard Hats with Heart initiative from the 美国心脏协会 that focuses on heart health in the construction industry. 同样数量的人——25%——使用烟草.

As someone who used to be in both groups, Peter is trying to help his colleagues beat those odds. 他温和地传播有关心脏健康和定期检查的信息.

"If talking about my experience saves one person or encourages someone to go to the doctor,彼得说, “我会觉得很幸福."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.

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