Waist size may better predict AFib risk in men

By Sarah Amandolare, American Heart Association News

FredFroese/iStock, Getty Images
(FredFroese/iStock, Getty Images)

体重指数在预测女性常见类型的心律不齐的风险方面可能更有帮助, while waist size may better predict that risk in men, new research suggests.

The link between obesity and atrial fibrillation, 或心房纤颤——指的是心脏跳动不规律且经常过快——已经得到了很好的证实. 但研究人员想要了解身体脂肪分布在多大程度上可以预测男性和女性患AFib的风险.

The researchers analyzed BMI, 在2008年至2013年期间收集了美国200多万老年人的腰围和心电图数据.S. 和英国没有心血管疾病的人,包括心力衰竭和中风. The study's lead author, Dr. 荷兰乌得勒支大学医学中心的michael Poorthuis说, described it as "probably the largest study of its kind to date."

About 12,000 participants – 0.6% – had AFib. 在调整了诸如高血压史等变量之后, diabetes and smoking, 研究人员发现,无论是男性还是女性,较高的身体质量指数和较粗的腰围都与心房纤颤的风险增加有关.

但在女性中,BMI和AFib风险之间存在更强的联系, while waistline seemed a greater predictor in men. For women, 将BMI加入到计算中,预测AFib的能力提高了23%,而使用腰围大小预测AFib的能力提高了12%. In men, however, waist size came out on top, with a 30% improvement in predicting AFib versus 23% using BMI.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, normal BMI is defined as below 25, 腰围大于35英寸的女性和腰围大于40英寸的男性患心脏病和2型糖尿病的风险更高.

Dr. 理查德·布尔布利亚(Richard bulbullia)是周四发表在《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》杂志上的分析报告的资深作者之一 Journal of the American Heart Association, 他说,研究结果支持了保持健康体重的建议,并指出了下一个研究问题.

"What's really exciting is the question of, 减肥能减轻房颤患者的负担吗, or prevent people from developing it?" said Bulbulia, 牛津大学纳菲尔德人口健康系研究员,英国切尔滕纳姆总医院血管外科顾问医师.

The answer to that question could have broad repercussions: AFib, a major risk factor for stroke, is poised to affect an estimated 12.1 million Americans by 2030, according to American Heart Association statistics.

Left untreated, 心房颤动使心脏相关死亡的风险增加一倍,并使中风的风险增加五倍. 有些患有心房颤动的人没有任何症状,但其他人则会出现心跳加快或跳频.

Dr. Matthew Kalscheur, 他是麦迪逊威斯康星大学健康中心的临床心脏病专家和心脏电生理学家, Wisconsin, 腰围和男性心房纤颤之间可能存在的联系值得考虑.

Kalscheur, who was not involved in the new research, 尽管身体质量指数(衡量超重和肥胖的标准指标)是临床医生在房颤风险方面的常规记录和考虑, waist circumference typically is not.

"The next step is, how do we present that to our patients, 以及我们如何使用这些数据来尝试改变可能影响风险发展的行为," Kalscheur said.

Like Bulbulia, Kalscheur wonders if, for instance, a person without AFib who is older, 超重和高血压患者可以通过改变行为来预防心房纤颤, ideally, prevent stroke.

“我们需要将这样的研究结果纳入我们与患者共同的决策过程中," Kalscheur said. "In this case, 这将是关于减肥对降低心房纤颤风险的重要性的共同决定."

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email [email protected].

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