

Drazen Zigic/iStock,盖蒂图片社

With the coronavirus causing some gym-goers and regulars at the local recreation center to reconsider their workout spot, staying physically active means getting creative with an exercise routine closer to home. 在保持身体距离的同时,有很多安全的锻炼方式.

初秋是到户外散步的黄金线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, run or bicycle, 罗素·佩特说, a professor in the University of South Carolina's department of exercise science. 冠状病毒在户外传播的风险似乎有所降低, he noted, adding, “我们不断了解这种病毒."

疾病控制和预防中心 建议 for preventing COVID-19 spread call for maintaining a six-foot distance from others in public; frequent hand-washing, for at least 20 seconds; and using a cloth face cover over your nose and mouth when around others. 口罩不能代替身体上的距离.

网球和高尔夫球是保持活跃的好方法,只要采取正确的预防措施. For example, 许多高尔夫球场都要求戴口罩, closing ball-washing stations and setting up greens so that players don't have to touch the flag.

Swimming can be safe if physical distancing is maintained at an outdoor pool or other body of water. The risk of transmitting the coronavirus through water appears to be minimal, Pate said.

如果附近的州立或国家公园开放, 考虑远足, 特蕾莎·肯尼迪说, 她是全面健康顾问,也是Power Living Enterprises的首席执行官, Inc. Not only is it a way to exercise, but enjoying nature and fresh air can provide a fresh perspective.

She suggests hiking with a family member or a friend, if possible, who will stay six feet away. 带上洗手液,记住公厕可能会关闭.


很多人都利用这段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽来锻炼身体, 他们正在探索新的方法来做到这一点. 在线课程和健身团体的数量和人气都在增加. Other e-tools include fitness apps and YouTube videos that encourage aerobic activity, 力量训练, 瑜伽和普拉提.

"One fun thing to do indoors is have a virtual Zoom dance party with friends at a certain time every week or even every day," Kennedy said. "With the built-in social connection and a set schedule, you will be more likely to commit to it."

制定锻炼计划, work time and meals helps in regaining a sense of control after disruption in our normal lives, she said.

Gardening, vacuuming or cleaning out the garage are other ways to stay active at home. Your body gets the health benefits of movement, even if it's by doing a household chore, Pate said.


Long-term 体育活动对健康的好处 include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

有时被忽视, Pate said, 运动带来的更直接的积极影响是减少焦虑吗, 降低抑郁风险,减少久坐线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Exercise also promotes social connections, even with physical distancing or online workout partners.

锻炼是“压力克星”," Kennedy said, and can instill a positive mindset if you find yourself consumed with bad news.


One advantage of this stay-at-home period is it allows time to get the whole family involved in physical activity, said Pate, director of the Children's Physical Activity Research Group at his university. Parents can encourage children to step away from video games and get moving by exercising with them and making sure to have outdoor games and equipment on hand.

"That means balls and hoops and badminton nets and all of the things that support physical activity," he said. "Kids are much more likely to be physically active if they're outside than inside."

The 美国心脏协会指南 recommend adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity, 或者两者的结合, 最好是在一周内进行. Children ages 6 to 17 should get at least 60 minutes per day of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity, while children under age 5 should be physically active and have plenty of opportunities to move each day.6

无论练习设置是什么, always be aware of those around you and make a safe decision for yourself and others, Pate said. “我们现在必须聪明一点."

This article was developed by the 美国心脏协会 with financial support from Transamerica.

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