


Jog for long enough or engage in just about any physical activity that gets the heart pumping – and the result can be a feeling of euphoria commonly known as a runner's high.

Sure, it feels good, but does higher-intensity exercise lead to better health?

It can. 最近发布的 联邦体育活动指南 emphasize the importance of any movement, but optimal health benefits require a little more effort. For adults, 这意味着每周至少进行75到150分钟的剧烈运动, 或者每周进行150到300分钟的中等强度的体育活动.

什么是高强度运动和中等强度运动? 这完全取决于你的心率与你的健康水平的关系. Meagan Wasfy of the cardiovascular performance program at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

"With low-intensity activities, most people will still be able to sing and converse,Wasfy说。. "中等强度, 你还能说话,但不能唱歌, 在高强度下, 你不能再用完整的句子说话了."

The new guidelines reflect a large and growing list of studies suggesting physical activity of any kind is healthful.

In a 美国医学会内科杂志 study, researchers pooled data from six studies and found that over a 14-year period, 从不锻炼的人死亡的风险最高. 但不需要太多的活动就能开始看到好处. Those who did just a little exercise lowered their risk of death by 20 percent.

"If you go from being totally sedentary to getting even a portion of the recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every week, 这是你的健康状况改善最大的时候,Wasfy说。.

你投入的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽越多越好 美国医学会内科杂志 研究表明.

People who completed at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise were 31 percent less likely to die than inactive people during the 14-year follow-up period. And the people who had the best health outcomes engaged in at least 450 minutes of moderate exercise each week; they were 39 percent less likely to die.

通过高强度间歇训练(或短线上电子游戏飞禽走兽训练)将其提升一个档次, intense bouts of exercise – is undeniably superior for improving fitness, Wasfy said. People preparing to run a race or who just want to bike faster in spin class could benefit from incorporating higher-intensity exercises into their routine.

"It can give you an incremental gain on how long you can comfortably sustain vigorous exercise,Wasfy说。.

Increasing exercise intensity can be as simple as adding a short sprint into a longer walk or run, 梅塞德斯·卡尼松说, an epidemiologist and vice chair of preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.

"High-intensity interval training provides variety and challenges that appeal to some types of personalities,卡尼松说. "Some people enjoy the sedative experience of jogging or walking briskly for a period of time. 其他人则想做短线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的活动."

Research suggests exercise is both healthy and safe for the vast of majority of people, said Dr. Michael Joyner, 他是罗切斯特市梅奥诊所的研究员, Minnesota, who studies how stress impacts the nervous system and its impact on blood pressure, 心率和新陈代谢.

"Most people can find an activity that they can enjoy no matter what coexisting medical conditions they have,乔伊纳说. “很少有例外."

在一生中保持活跃是很重要的, Joyner说, citing evidence that children who engage in regular physical activity have less attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 提高学习成绩和其他发展效益.

例如, in a study by the Centre for Brain Research at The University of Auckland, researchers found that children ages 7 to 13 who were randomly assigned to do high-intensity training showed improvements in cognitive control and working memory.

In fact, the new federal guidelines recommend that children ages 3 to 5 should stay active all day and those ages 6 through 17 should get at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

"The bottom line is to find an activity that you like, and do it religiously,乔伊纳说. “这是第一条到十条信息."

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